Groups Discover


Facebook Groups can help anyone find a community of support. Research told us that three distinct audiences in need of support were new parents, parents of teens, and college students (three audiences going through major life transitions). So we created a campaign that spoke directly to each audience and led them to ‘Groups Discover’, a new feature designed to help people find the perfect group for their needs.

We produced 52 hyper-targeted, unique assets for this campaign. Each one was meant to help a specific audience in need of a specific type of support.


0:15 On Platform Films

Quick Promotion - Top of feed


In addition to :15 films, we created bespoke static units on Facebook that led directly to Groups Discover.


0:15 On Platform Films

0:15 On Platform Films

0:15 On Platform Films

0:15 On Platform Films

0:15 On Platform Films + On Platform Educational Film